Proton will Make Great Profits if They Make This Car
Let’s face it. Dirty drinking water and frequent flash or massive floods are going to be part of the criteria we have to endure to achieve developed nation status by 2020.
Nowadays it seem that even something as basic as wholesome drinking water is difficult to achieve on a consistent and continuous basis. People in JB should be thankful that the high quality and standards of Singapore’s PUB have provided us a water quality that is far superior to KL. However I am not sure how long the local operators will keep up the quality now that SAJ has taken over the water treatment.
All we get are pathetic excuses about the exceptional rainfall and the coincident high tides. If only those responsible had paid more attention to proper maintenance and good drainage instead of those study tours, perhaps the damage would have been minimised.
Since the APs issue is still simmering, perhaps all those affected by the recent flood should be given one AP each just to import this car which will solve the problem of those boats not arriving as people were all caught napping. There would be no need then to even to maintain those boats as everyone could just get into the car and reach higher ground in a few minutes. After all the state government says it cannot pay compensation for all the flood damage.
Why we can even have an annual festival for this car to coincide with the annual flooding! That should bring in a few thousand tourists.
All we need to do is to start building our houses on stilts, just like those in some seaside resorts. Once these cars have proved their worth, Proton should get the licence to assemble them. This should not be too difficult as they don’t have window motors that many complain about.
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