JB's Sick Library Syndrome
Missing This Symbol of a Progressive Nation
I like to visit libraries as I can spend hours-browsing books in bookshops.
I used to be a member of the public library in Johor Bahru but have not visited there for many years now.
I think I became a little annoyed when they started imposing all kinds of dress regulations years ago as if the way you dressed had some impact on your reading habits.
The toilet in the library was also an item for a horror story.
At the time they still had the old system of physical check-ins and checkouts. They used the card system where a card was inserted in a pocket in each book.
When you returned the book they had to search for the card and insert it back into the pocket and the book would be considered returned and then placed on the book trolley.
Fortunately my children studied in Singapore and they all love to read. So it was natural that they would join the National Library of Singapore.
I remember the first time I observed their library system I had the impression. “Wow! That’s fantastic.”
For basic membership that is free for Singaporeans and PRs, you can borrow 4 books free for 3 weeks. These can be renewed once at $0.50 if others have not reserved the books.
All you need to do is get the books you want and then use the computerised system to check out. The procedure is simple and quick.
All you need to do is:
1. Insert your library card in the terminal
2. Place your book in the designated zone
3. Follow the instructions on the display screen
4. Take your receipt
You can visit the library and get the books without having to wait for service.
Returning books is just as simple. All you have to do is return to any of the branch libraries by depositing in a special drop bin that will record your deposits. Again it is very easy and convenient.
You don’t have to go to the library to renew. Just get online and renew in the comfort of your home or office.
Overall I believe this computerised library system is not really that difficult to implement. It probably uses an RFID system and a network linking the main and branch libraries.
I mean it should not necessitate a study trip overseas to deliver!
Before this article was published, I made a check at the Sultan Ismail Library just to make sure that things are still the same. Unfortunately Yes. They still do not allow non-members to enter the Reference Section and use the same old system that is probably 100 years old.
They are building a new library in JB closer to the town center. I hope it will not be a replica of the present library. As for the Sultan Ismail Library, may I humbly suggest to the Johor Royal Family that the library authorities in JB should upgrade to a modern system or stop using the name?
A modern library in JB would do so much more for the citizens than all those ill-implemented pavement works.
Does anyone know how the KL libraries function?
So that I am not accused of seeing only rosy things about Singapore, I will write soon about a problem they have not been able to solve.
Photo: http://www.internationaleducationmedia.com/malaysia/Discussion%20at%20Library.jpg
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