Show Us the Beef!
A letter to malaysiakini recently caught my attention. It seems Malaysians have a penchant for grand elaborate ceremonies and not much else.
I have seen Malaysian ceremonies with laser lights, van de Graaf spheres, elaborate costumes and all types of electronic wizardry. However most of these campaigns fizzle out as fast as the last spark fades away. We have a lot of sizzle, but very little steak.
It was interesting to watch the official opening of Asia House in London recently.
All they had was a white board on a stand and LKY just removed a simple cloth that covered the commemorative plaque.
Come to think about it. That cloth and white board can be easily recycled and more money can be used in the campaign proper. Unless the campaign is all a sham and the grand ceremonies are just PR gimmicks.
Given the failure of the campaigns to reduce road accidents and other causes, we need to put more thought into the campaign proper and not just worry about the grand launches that have such limited value.
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