Having Children
I wonder what type of preparation for marriage do Malaysians undergo. For Catholics there is a program where couples who plan to marry must undergo a marriage course that spans a few months.
I don’t know what they teach there for when I got married many years ago there was no such requirement. I would guess the course would cover the sanctity of marriage and how children play a role in enriching a marriage.
It seems that we have many problems of delinquent children and the authorities want to make parents responsible for wayward children and some parents really agonize about their children not practicing the religion they were born into.
It is a problem for many Malaysians, as sometimes the original religion may not appeal to your children.
But I don’t think the government is the best agency to deal with children who do not want to practise your religion.
My opinion is that parents must plan to have the number of children that they, and not the government, are able to nurture and nourish.
Not only in feeding them and clothing them and providing shelter but also to be able to spend time with them and to provide proper guidance.
I suggest a modern family where both husband and wife work, with no family member but the maid at home, two to three children should be sufficient unless you want some children to join the non-graduate work force.
Nothing wrong with that as with too many children and both parents working, you will simply be unable to provide proper child-rearing capabilities or both of you will suffer from burnout. I think the advice to Malaysians to have many children to support the 70m-population target in the 70s was really misguided.
Perhaps this is one reason many Malaysian marriages end in divorce and that puts even more stress on the children as a broken home means more will seek solace and distraction in other activities like drugs and vice and even another religion.
Many cases have also been reported about crimes committed within the family and there is an article here
My wife and I have four children and during the earlier years, my mother stayed with us and provided much support for the children. My youngest is now nineteen and we are happy that he has been accepted into a good university and so should join his graduate siblings in three years.
I write this not to boast about my children – for sure we are not perfect parents nor are they perfect children. It is to advise younger readers to make sure you are able to nurture your children well if you want them to grow into responsible citizens.
Whether it is one child or 4, it all boils down to the parents' philosophy and priority in moulding their children's character.
I find a lot of modern parents too accommodating and soft in their approach to disciplining their children when young.
I agree with U.
It is quite common to see parents indulging their children esp with food and often the kid is already showing signs of obesity.
I think some parents have a guilt complex and amke up by giving in.
Hi Angus!
A refreshing blog entry after all the politics recently :)
For me, children are God's gift to us. We don't get to choose. He decides. Many couples try and try but do not get. Many couples try not to have but they still get (they call it accident). When God blesses you with a child / children, He knows you are able to cope and raise them. How you decide to raise them is your choice really. For my wife and I, we believe that we should cultivate a love for God in our children so that they will have godly values when they grow up. The world is getting more miserable and we pray that our kids do not add to that.
I also agree with Anak Merdeka that parents tend to spare the rod nowadays. It seems that parents are more afraid of children than the other way round.
and that is one reason why teachers are struggling to cope in schools
U r welcome!
Looks like U belong to pablopabla's
Yes, parenting is a 24/7 task and requires great dedication.
I wish U great success.
Well Angus,
I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian firstly. This year, the church leaders have recognised that the youths of our nation are being subjected to various forms of undesirable influences (profanities, overdose of sexual stimulation from media, etc) and breaking up of family units. Youths are the future leaders of the nation and we have a responsibility to inculcate in them godly values. I believe this problem is not just recognised by Christian leaders but other religious leaders as well. The number of pre-marital sex amongst youth / children is alarming and so is divorce rate. Is this the price of development???
The church has named this year "Year of the Youth" and many seminars and sermons are concentrated on youth developments.
One major influence is TV and the easy access to VCDs that portray all the human vices and weakness.
And too many parents just leave the TV to be the major "baby-sitter."
I agree with you Angus. Mankind in general has downplayed the importance of morality so much so that sex and violence is glorified. Whilst adults may be able to differentiate between good and bad influences, kids may not.
A friend of mine is looking to rehabilitate her 14 year old female niece. Her niece was recently kicked out of an international school( boarding) because she was caught having sex in a hotel room. My friend and the girl's parents are at wit's end to the point of giving up- which is not the answer.
Can anyone provide some guidance on how to get some professional help in Malaysia to deal with the situation,a parish that specialises in such matters perhaps..
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