Better to be Safe than Sorry
Today’s story about the helicopter accident shows how easy it is to lose track of safety issues in the daily hustle and rush of modern living.
As we make use of more sophisticated equipment we must always make sure that safety matters are properly thought trough before we even consider the use of such equipment.
From the news report, it seems that this is the first time the company has made use of a helicopter to give joy rides.
To me both the helicopter supplier and the user company are negligent in not examining and finalising safety issues before the joy rides were organised.
Any moving part of any equipment can do grievous damage and in this case it resulted in the tragic death of a husband, a father and a good man.
Even a common escalator in the shopping complex can cause your death if a scarf gets trapped and strangles you.
Sometimes the moving parts can be protected as in the intake of a jet engine but you must stay well away from the suction or you will end up dead. Some people have been sucked into jet intakes while standing on the ground a few feet below the intake.
One other area where safety is often ignored is when boat operators overload their boats to tourist destinations. One seldom sees enforcement officers checking for boat overloading in tourist areas.
As a failure in safety can affect your well being, we should always make sure that we are satisfied with any arrangement before we entrust our lives to third parties.
To the grieving family I offer my condolences.